Rest assured, I have not given up on this blog!
I think the problem I am having lies in routines. I used to work for a medium sized nuclear consultancy company where I would arrive at 8am and leave at 4.30pm every day. I would have lunch at 12 noon every day and I would have a break around 3pm.
This sort of routine meant that I wrote a blog every morning without fail except for the odd Saturday and Sunday or day I had at a nuclear site.
My life now has no routine whatsoever; I got in at 11am this morning and I have no idea what time I will get in tomorrow morning. When I arrive I don't know if I'll be on the computer or in the lab.
But this should change as I settle in to my new role. PhDs, I've heard, are always a bit 'in the air' at first but then they come back down to the ground with a bump.
I will try to write more often and to put the trades back up to where they should be and this time next month we should be seeing some real changes.