Rest assured, I have not given up on this blog!
I think the problem I am having lies in routines. I used to work for a medium sized nuclear consultancy company where I would arrive at 8am and leave at 4.30pm every day. I would have lunch at 12 noon every day and I would have a break around 3pm.
This sort of routine meant that I wrote a blog every morning without fail except for the odd Saturday and Sunday or day I had at a nuclear site.
My life now has no routine whatsoever; I got in at 11am this morning and I have no idea what time I will get in tomorrow morning. When I arrive I don't know if I'll be on the computer or in the lab.
But this should change as I settle in to my new role. PhDs, I've heard, are always a bit 'in the air' at first but then they come back down to the ground with a bump.
I will try to write more often and to put the trades back up to where they should be and this time next month we should be seeing some real changes.
A company that consults nuclear... stuff :D You should auction off some isotopes or something ;)
And you should set yourself a routine - like "I will post this month" hehe
Or you could just spam your blog like Tim does, and when you get in trouble for spending so much time on the computer, use the "I'm busy" excuse. Seems to work for him down under!
Oh .. you are a very funny man Dan ... your time will come.
Yes yes, I am sure it will... Will this be when the convicts revolt and sail around the world on their home-made rafts, or when you cut off your supply of Fosters? hehe
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