Money For Old Rope

Top Entertainment Blogs

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

To view the full story so far please click here.

A big thank you to Andrew for his generous offer of a trade,

if you haven't already seen yesterday's comments, Andrew's offer was of a Sydney Olympic Official's Shirt from the 2000 games. This is to be traded for the 18 pairs of craft scissors which will be donated to a local school.

The picture of the shirt appears below:

The shirt is in the post as I am posting this and I will keep everybody updated as to its progress.

It is wonderful that this is not only moving towards a final goal but also helping people along the way such as the donation of the craft scissors to the pre-school. I hope the generosity can continue.


At 11:20 am, Blogger The Special Zipper said...

Hi Paul

The shirt was posted today so is on the way ... maybe mid next week it will arrive.



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