Money For Old Rope

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Saturday, July 01, 2006

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Thgis is Sharon's blog. A few days ago all of the newspapers reported that heart atacks wouild increase if England went to penalties. Well I can confirm that all hearts were racing today at our unfortunate defiet. We desereved to win. not because of the unfair red card, or because of the hand ball which wasn't a penalty, but because the hopes of a naton were in ruins. And this meant more heart attacks! Some may say it is only a game, but they are fron nations who didn't qualfy (or maybe fron the USA).

Although it is unfortunate that a sporting event can lead to such catastrofic events it proves to show how much the world cup can mean. I don't have much to say, i have drowned my sorrows in a few glasses of wine and I'm now trying to forget that the tournament exists.

Anyway in recent news, Paul has confirmed his appointment for his tattoo, and pictures will be displayed after he has had it done.

Quite a short one but i have had two bottles of wine and i'm finding it hard to type. All the best, Sharon.


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