Money For Old Rope

Top Entertainment Blogs

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

To view the full story so far please click here.

We did it!!!

Into the second round to face Ecuador. They looked good in the first few games but were hammered today by Germany so I am very happy about our chances.

I received news that the scissors arrived safe and sound today in Australia so I hope to have some pictures of this very soon to show you all.

This means that I will soon start to actively look for my third trade. What will I get, I really don't know but it will all be recorded here for you to view. You may even want to take part.

As you can see, I have had hundreds of people visit this site and I know that very soon it will become thousands. Many of you are happy to read the daily blog but I am sure that there are some of you that are itching to take part but just don't know whether you should or not.

Let me say that the trade can be for anything provided you believe that it is better than a Sydney Olympic Official's shirt. You must have something lying around that you no longer want that may be of value to someone else, plus you get to take part in a groundbreaking charity fundraiser.


At 12:47 am, Blogger The Special Zipper said...

We have indeed received the scissors and small piece of old rope. I will get some photos organised asap and send them over.

At 1:00 pm, Blogger Lilian said...

Hi Paul.

I am writing a blog entry about your blog, hope that's ok.



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