Money For Old Rope

Top Entertainment Blogs

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

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In the words of a popular band; "Here's my bright idea"

I have been thinking that a blog can only take you so far down the publicity line. What people actually need is interactivity and although comments go someway towards Web 2.0 I think that I can do better.

What I am planning over the next few months is to take this quest to a website where there will be more modern functionalities and services. I feel that if I offer services on my site that other websites charge for then people will come here even if they are not interested in what I have to say and hopefully will be drawn into the adventure.

I have big plans people so stick with me as we go through what I believe will be exciting times. I want people to visit the site and go in all directions, not just scrolling downwards, on today's Web people have short attention spans. I will still keep this blog going but will provide links to the website.

I will keep you posted on all developments that occur and give you to VIP invites to my brand-spanking new website when it premieres.

Do I sound giddy? I certainly feel it!


At 1:13 pm, Blogger The Special Zipper said...

Wow ... now you have created high expectations. Good luck!!

Aussie Heart Kids

At 3:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about sorting out your job and our house before spending the next few weeks pissing about with the spectacular web pages you have now promised.

ps. i love you

At 6:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally hate football, so how come I was so interested when Paul sent me an e-mail about football from work?
Well, it was the work connection and the safety case consultant that I noticed at the end of the e-mail just a split second before I was going to file it.
It seems we have more in common that just being a GUCH. I actually stopped work last year, but safety was my field too. I graduated with a first class honours in 2001 from Nottingham Trent Uni in BSc (Hons) Safety, Health and Environmental Management. I worked as a safety adviser at a local nuclear plant. I worked there for about 20 years, started off in the chemistry labs and then moved to the Health Physics department.

At 10:26 am, Blogger The Special Zipper said...

Now where have I heard comments like the Blog Widow Sharon ... mmm maybe my own wife ... whoops.


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